The Beginning

Well hello there and welcome! If you're reading this page then you’re probably wondering who I am and what this blog is all about. The first question will be much harder to answer than the second question but here’s my attempt at answering both…
I was born one lovely afternoon not so long ago (or a very long time ago depending on who you ask). Growing up, I was always a stubborn headstrong child (some things never change) and as a teenager, I began to rebel against my strict, religious upbringing and experimenting with the forbidden “worldly” things. Through the challenges, uphill battles, laughter and tears that followed, I’ve grown into a quirky, fun-loving, slightly introverted, caffeine-addicted young woman.
Because of my before-mentioned headstrongness, I’ve developed rules over the years in an attempt to help me better live my life and keep me out of trouble. These rules were never much of a conscious thing, more of a sub-conscious list. One day, a good friend of mine pointed out to me exactly how many rules I have surrounding sex and suggested that I make a complete list of my rules and blog about them. Several glasses of vodka later, I decided that maybe a blog of my sex rules wasn’t such a bad idea and this blog was born.
Because I am a slightly (ok very) random person and in keeping with my quirky personality, I will not be blogging about my rules in order. So rule # 10 may come after rule # 56 and so on. I do not claim to be an expert on the topic of sex, relationships, physical conditions etc. Many of you won’t agree with at-least one of my rules. That’s ok! Just laugh at me and read on to the next rule because the most important thing is that each and every one of you has to create your own set of rules, your own moral code…
Alrighty, well it’s time for me to get more coffee so have fun and thanx for reading!!